Normally, your first thinking towards other lead pipeline (from Google Advertising, Facebook Ads, Tiktok,…) also most popular platforms, where bring to you good conversion rate than ever. This meaning is true but not enough for whole sides, we dedicate to Email Marketing – type of consistent conversion rate, which has ability to directly educate an engage the needs of the audiences and built strong long-term relationship between business and customers.
Not almost may check their mail box permanently but everyone always open theirs. In term of frowning upon mail box opening, Email Marketing still remains chances to drop into prospectors’ attention as long as they don’t move on unsubscribing or marking spam.
Table of Contents
Why using real estate agent email templates can increase your conversion rate and probably double your income?
Let see an actual example of selling a camera of Ecom Email Impact:
Before: $199

Email templates probably can double your income
After: $199 + $79 + $19 + $$$ (Special Offers)

Did you see the power of email marketing?
Now, the same thing happens in the real estate industry. You can easily increase your revenue by using real estate email templates. Not only you’re going to increase the conversion rate, but also be able to upsell, cross-sales, and get more referrals.
Besides, here’s how you can to nurture your leads for free?
16 powerful real estate email templates
1) The Welcome Real Estate Email Templates
The first email of all is really important and can make a huge positive impact. You can make your leads feel excited to work with you or not depending on this welcome email.
Here’s an example:

Next, lots of real estate agents starting with doing open houses. So, here are some examples of
At EOwn, we use a welcome email campaign of 3 emails and it has worked like crazy! You can find our email templates here: EOwn – Email templates
2) Open House Follow-Up Real Estate Email Templates
Title: Nice to meet you at [street address]
Hello [Prospect],
Great to meet you at [address] last weekend. I hope you got a good feel for the house and the [benefit of the property — i.e., great pool, huge master bedroom, beautiful view]. Let me know if I can answer any questions.
If you’re interested in the neighborhood, I have another property available nearby. It has many of the wonderful qualities that [address] has, with a few surprises! I’d be happy to set up a private showing for you this week.
Thanks again for stopping by!
[Your name]
Read more: Secret of Open House near me + 5 deadly mistakes7 breakthrough open house ideas – And 5 deadly mistakes
3) Neighborhood Expertise Real Estate Email Templates – EOwn
Title: I know, [neighborhood] is my dream local too …
Hello [Prospect],
Thanks so much for stopping by the open house for [address] last Sunday. It was great to meet you!
If you’re interested in seeing more homes in this neighborhood, there are a few I’d like to show you. It’s a competitive area, but my expertise in buying and selling in [neighborhood] is unparalleled.
But before we jump into anything serious, I’d love to learn more about what you’re looking for in a new home. I also want to share my approach to the homebuying process, to make sure I’m the right fit for you. If you’d like to set up a time to meet, click this link to book time on my calendar: [Link to Meeting tool]
[Your name]
4) Real Estate Agent Email Template – Listings
Anyway, you can also send them listings to push your prospect buying journey.

Besides, according to, you can push your buyers or sellers with these real estate email templates:
5) Regarding Buyers Who Are Hesitant Or Concerned – Real Estate Email Template
Title: I’m still showing houses…just differently
Hello [Prospect],
As you can imagine, a lot of people looking to buy a new home have brought up putting their search on hold until the COVID-19 virus has passed, or is at least under control.
For some people, that’s totally fine to do. If they have no absolute need to buy a house and can wait it out until they feel more comfortable, they should just wait it out.
It’s just not that cut and dry for a lot of buyers, though. Life can’t be put on hold entirely — especially since we don’t really know how long “waiting it out” will be. So for a lot of buyers, the question has become how should we proceed?
So here’s what I’ve been doing so my clients and I can lower the risk of exposure, and do our part to “flatten the curve” as they say…
- You choose the houses you are interested in (as usual)
- We schedule a time for me to “show” you the houses
- I go to the houses while we connect on [Facetime, Skype, your favorite app to connect]
- You get to see your potential future home from the comfort of your current home
- When we find one you are interested in making an offer on, we schedule a time to see that particular house in person before making the offer. We can even stipulate that the owner not be home to further minimize contact.
- While we look at the house, we will make sure to keep the recommended distance between us and keep it as brief as possible, while taking enough time for you to make a decision.
- Writing the offer and any other paperwork can be done remotely. I will send it to you digitally, and we can go over it in real-time [on the phone / while screensharing].
- And then, throughout the process, we will keep any in-person, face-to-face meetings to a bare minimum following the same protocol.
Of course, if you want to hold off, by all means, do so! There will be houses to buy whenever this all settles down.
However, if you’re in a position where you either need to find a new home for whatever reason or are just looking to take advantage of the lower buyer activity in the market, just know I’m going to do everything I can to keep us all safe and healthy while continuing to live as normally as possible.
Either way, hang in there! This too shall pass!
[Your name]
6) Regarding Sellers Who Are Hesitant And Concerned – EOwn Real Estate Email Template
Title: I’m still [selling/listing] houses…just differently.
Hello [Prospect],
As you can imagine, a lot of home sellers are considering taking their houses off the market until the COVID-19 virus has passed, or is at least under control.
For some people, that’s totally fine to do. If they have no absolute need to sell a house and can wait it out until they feel more comfortable, they should just wait it out.
It’s just not that cut and dry for a lot of sellers, though. Life can’t be put on hold entirely — especially since we don’t really know how long “waiting it out” will be. So for a lot of sellers, the question has become how should we proceed?
So here’s what I’ve been doing so my clients and I can lower the risk of exposure, and do our part to “flatten the curve” as they say…
- I video myself doing a walk-through tour of your home.
- Any buyers who are interested in your house are sent the video before being able to schedule to see the house in person.
- If they like what they see, and need to get in to see it in person before making an offer, we schedule a time for you to be out and for them to see it.
- I advise the agents and buyers not to come to see the house if they are feeling sick, or have been recently exposed.
- I also make sure that the buyer is indeed serious and qualified before allowing the appointment, more so than I even typically do (which is a lot).
- We will assure agents and buyers that you’ve done your best to disinfect all surfaces they may touch.
- After the showing, give any surfaces they may have touched, such as doorknobs, another cleaning.
- Reviewing offers, negotiating, and any other paperwork throughout the process can be done remotely. I will send it to you digitally, and we can go over it in real-time [on the phone / while screensharing].
- And of course, throughout the process, we will keep any in-person, face-to-face meetings to a bare minimum and follow the recommended distancing advice.
Of course, if you want to hold off, by all means, do so! There will be buyers whenever this all settles down.
However, if you’re in a position where you need to sell your home for whatever reason this is actually a good time to do so. You’ll likely find less seller competition, and the buyers who are looking are obviously serious and need to buy a house. We just need to take more precautions than usual to keep us all safe and healthy while continuing to live as normally as possible.
Either way, hang in there! This too shall pass!
[Your name]
7) Quiz – Real Estate Email Templates
In order to help your clients buy and sell homes in the best way. You can use a short quiz to understand exactly what are their needs and secret desire

In EOwn software, you can find dozens of templates like this ready to use: Eown – Form Content
8) Under Contract Real Estate Email Templates
Title: [Address] went fast, but I’ve got more!
Hello [Prospect],
Thanks for stopping by Sunday’s open house for [address]. It was a pleasure meeting you. As you’ve probably heard, this house is currently under contract.
I know that can be disappointing, but I have good news! Several other homes in the area are coming soon, and I’d be happy to arrange a private or early showing just for you.
[Neighborhood] is a competitive area right now, but with my expertise, I’m sure we can find the perfect home for you.Regards,
[Your name]
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9) FSBO (I have a buyer) – EOwn Real Estate Email Template
Hello [Prospect],
OK, I fully realize that you’ve probably heard this line from a bunch of real estate agents since you listed your home for sale…
“I may have a buyer for your home, and I’d love to schedule a time to swing by and check it out to make sure it fits their needs.”
Or something along those lines.
The keyword being “may”…they may have a buyer. Annnnnd, they don’t. It’s a lame trick of the trade.
However, I actually have a client who would like to look at your home. A living breathing [person / couple].
Here’s a little “proof of life” for you: (NOTE: Insert as few or as many as you want, just make sure you get the point across that your client is for real.)
- [Insert a detail or fact about your client]
- [Insert a detail or fact about your client]
- [Insert a detail or fact about your client]
An obvious question or thought on your end has to be, “Well, then why don’t they just contact us directly?”
[Insert the main reason why your client won’t contact them directly. Either choose one below if it fits your situation, or feel free to come up with your own…Example 1 – Some buyers are comfortable dealing directly with an owner. Not all are. This client doesn’t happen to be.
Example 2 – My clients are out of area. They live in (insert where) and it is virtually impossible for them to schedule directly with an owner since they are here for short periods of time and need to see as many homes as possible in that short timeframe.
Example 3 – My clients simply want representation and advice from me as a real estate agent.]
So, if you’re interested, give me a call and we can discuss any questions you have and set up a time for us to come over and see your home. (NOTE***This is meant to get that door open for you, or the phone ringing. Not pre-negotiating your fee or business arrangements. You will need to talk that out with them.)
And, if you aren’t interested, just let me know, and I won’t bother you any further. I’ll let my clients know so they can scratch it off their list. And, if you change your mind, you can certainly reach out sometime down the road. If they haven’t purchased something at that point, we can figure things out then.
I hope to hear from you, but if I don’t…
Good luck with the sale of your home!
[Your name]
10) The Client Testimonial Real Estate Email Templates
This is one of the most important and powerful real estate email templates. It helps you build credibility, reputation,… and also helps you close the transaction much faster.
This works really well for leads who nearly get to the end of the buying journey – they’re almost ready to buy or list their home. By using testimonials, you help them affirm that they’ve made the right decision choosing you as their real estate agent.

A team of professional designers at EOwn has spent every day creating gorgeous images for you to use. You can check it out here: EOwn – Graphic Content
11) Expired Listing Real Estate Email Templates (If Not Listing Agent)
Title: Let’s sell your house (now!)
Hello [Prospect],
I noticed your listing for [address] recently expired. You’re probably feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and impatient — but I believe I can help.
Many times, when homes don’t sell, realtors blame the price. That’s not quite fair. These homes often suffer from poor marketing. That’s why I consider myself both a marketer and a realtor.
I’ve sold [number] houses in [neighborhood] in an average of [number] days for [percent] over asking price — and I do it with smart marketing and [number] years serving the [city] area.
I already have several ideas on how to better position your property, and I’d love to hear what you think. If you’d be interested in learning how we can get your house back on the market and competitive, grab some time on my calendar here: [Insert link to Meeting tool]
[Your name]
12) Expired Listing Real Estate Email Templates (If Listing Agent)
Title: Let’s try a fresh approach
Hello [Client name],
Your listing has expired, you’re frustrated, and you’re likely being inundated by other real estate agents offering you a magic bullet to sell your home. You have every right to shop your listing around. But here’s why you should stick with me.
- I know your property inside and out. I’ve been carefully collecting buyer and agent feedback, monitoring other homes in the neighborhood, and have an intimate familiarity with what makes your home unique.
- I’m prepared to offer you a new limited-service option, which comes with a discounted commission, which means you save money.
- I have an action plan for how I think we can move forward and sell your home in 30 days or less. I’d love to discuss it with you in person or over the phone at your earliest convenience. Book time on my calendar here: [Insert calendar link]
I know this is not where either of us hoped to be, but I’m determined to find the right buyer for you and your home.
[Your name]
13) New Listings Real Estate Email Templates

You can find tons of Facebook ad listing templates here: EOwn – Facebook ad templates
14) Open House Or Not Open House Real Estate Email Templates (General)
Title: To Open House, Or Not To Open House…
Hello [Prospect],
You might have mixed emotions about open houses.
You’ve probably heard that they work, or at least think they must since so many people and agents hold them when selling a house.
You probably aren’t against them necessarily…but, at the same time, there’s a good chance that you aren’t entirely keen on people just walking through your house when you sell your house.
So, you might be torn about whether or not you want to have open houses when the time comes.
You might wonder…
- Is it worth having open houses when you sell your house?
- Do I have to have open houses?
You’re smart to wonder about this.
It is a bigger decision than many people make it.
Will the people coming through be qualified? Serious? Or just nosy neighbors? Will it be worth it? Will it produce a buyer? Or will it be a waste of time?
There’s no definite answer to any of these questions. Real estate agents as a whole seem to be on opposite sides of the fence about it.
Some real estate agents swear they work and are worth doing…and almost insist that your home be held open when you are selling.
On the other hand, some agents swear they are an entire waste of time and don’t do anything to actually get your home sold, and almost refuse to hold open houses
My position is right in the middle of those two spectrums. I sit on the fence.
They can be worth having and can produce results. But there’s no guarantee that anything will come out of holding an open house…or two…or a dozen.
It depends on a lot of factors.
Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. It depends on the house. The price. The overall market. The actual buyers in the market and their tendencies.
So, I can’t promise that an open house will definitely be worth your time. At the same time, I can’t say it won’t be.
What it boils down to for me is simply this… What does my client want?
If a client believes it will help and wants them…I hold them, as often as possible, as much as a client likes (within reason).
If a client doesn’t want one, that is fine too…many houses I sell are sold not at an open house. Many are sold without an open house at all.
So, out of curiosity…what is your preference? Would you want open houses, or not?
(I’d love your response for an informal poll I’m doing, and to know how to personally serve you best when the time comes.)
[Your name]
Again, you can find lots of Open House template in EOwn Facebook ad library: EOwn – Facebook ad templates
15) Open House Thank You Email Template
Title: Thanks for stopping by…
Hello [Prospect name],
Thanks for stopping by Sunday’s open house. I wanted to check in and ask if I can answer any questions for you about [insert address]. Also, I thought I’d share a few other similar properties for sale in the area. I’d be happy to set up appointments to view those properties if you’re interested:
- [Property 1]
- [Property 2]
- [Property 3]
Homes like these are spending approximately [insert number] days on the market, so let me know if you’d like to get a head start!
[Your name]
16) Farming Email Template
You can also check this out: A guide to farming in 2021
Hello [Prospect],
Is it time for something new? If you’ve been considering a move, here are a few reasons why now is the best time to start fresh:
- Housing prices in your neighborhood have risen [percent] over the last five years.
- The average home in [city] is selling in [number] days.
- Homes are selling at an average price of [number].
I have [number] years’ experience selling in your neighborhood and am confident that, together, we can sell your home for the maximum return — and find your next dream house. If you’re interested in learning more, click this link to schedule a meeting with me [Link to Meeting tool]
[Your name]
I just showed you 16 different email templates to nurture your prospects.
If you want o get more templates and even templates that are specialized for your area, your target audience,… go here and check it out: EOwn – Content Library
Now, I know some of you might be thinking:
“But I don’t know how to attract new leads”
“I don’t have a lot of prospects to nurture”
I understand. So, here’s how to use Content Marketing to attract tons of new leads. Check it out…
Finally, there is nothing valuable that comes without hard work. The rest is yours. Put in dedication, one day you’re going to be successful!

Being a real estate agent can earn you a huge amount of income
However, the starting process can be difficult sometimes.